Tightwire Book Group Questions

  1. Tightwire tracks Caroline Black through her first year as a psychology intern, working with her first patient, Collier. As the book opens, Collier feels hopeless. As the book progresses, he discovers his capacity to heal. Were any of Collier’s healing moments meaningful to you? 

  2. People have all sorts of preconceived notions about therapy and therapists, and their ideas sometimes include a stigma. I hope this novel helps to diminish the stigma. Did the story influence the way you view mental issues and psychotherapy?

  3. Sexuality can feel confusing, even scary. At one point in the story, Collier questions his own sexuality. How does Jerry’s reaction help Collier? (If you have questions and need support, please contact an LGBTQ+ center. The Trevor Project is also an excellent organization to offer support.  www.thetrevorproject.org)

  4. Two important characters in Tightwire are Jeanne and Tracy, a lesbian couple with two children. Jeanne and Tracy become role-model-parents for Collier. Have you met a same-sex couple with children? Did Jeanne and Tracy influence your view of same-sex parents?

  5. One theme of this book is that if you’re motivated, it’s never too late to change. Can you find a pivotal moment when Collier changed? Can you find a pivotal moment in Caroline’s life?

  6. Sexual assault can happen in many forms. People can react with a wide range of emotions including feeling violated, betrayed, contaminated, frightened…also guilty, confused, depressed, doubting the validity of their own experience. Sexual assault is a part of this novel, and the survivor’s healing is a central theme. How did you feel about the way the author approached the topic? (If you’re a survivor and need help healing, please reach out to a rape crisis center or a therapist. You deserve support.)

  7. In one session with Collier, Caroline has no idea how to handle the situation, and she makes several mistakes. She is certain that she has torpedoed both the treatment and her career. Instead, her supervisor is supportive and helpful, and her patient returns to continue working. What does Caroline do that earns the respect of her supervisor, and allows Collier to continue his treatment

  8. Tightwire is structured with chapters that alternate between Caroline’s sessions with Collier, and Caroline’s life as she grows up. Did you find the structure engaging? Why or why not?

  9. Caroline’s intuitive qualities are tracked from her tantrums as a toddler into her work with Collier. How does she experience her own level of intuition at different stages of growing up? 

  10. Dr. Laura Stilwell has a profound influence on Caroline’s development as a therapist. What are the qualities that Dr. Stilwell brings to the supervision? Have you ever had a teacher who made a strong impact on your development?

  11. The author to chose to end the novel with the beginning of Caroline’s therapy. What do you think of the author’s choice to write the final chapter as the first session of the therapist’s therapy?